Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How to treat acne scars

There are many methods to treat acne scars and natural ways are always the best. The healing process of natural method is gradual and it takes time for natural treatments  for acne scars. However, they are safer than other methods and have absolutely no negative effects.
Here are some natural remedies which are widely used on How to Remove Acne Scars Naturally
 1. Aloe Vera
2. Cucumber
3. Indian gooseberry
As you’ve noticed, the above mentioned plants are great for the pores and skin. Aloe Vera is known to help in treating several pores and skin disorders. Besides that, its juice can help decrease the dark color of the scar when used on it. Cucumber on the other hand is known to help give the pores and skin a smooth glow. Moreover, the cucumber paste can give astonishing outcomes when used on scars. Lastly, the Indian gooseberry in the form of creams and gels is an efficient way to prevent scars from appearing once the wound has healed.
Keep in mind though that the scar will not disappear overnight. You’ve to give it time and consistent application to see results. It’s also essential to note that some scars are tougher to remove than the others. You might require special natural formula to eliminate them. Here are other effective regimens for acne scar treatment:
1. Ice cubes
2. Honey
3. Vinegar
4. Tea tree oil
5. Olive oil
The products listed above can help decrease the visibility from the scar when applied on the pores and skin. The ice cubes could be used on the pores and skin directly as well as the olive oil and the tea tree oil. Others on the other hand need to be mixed with other substances. The honey ought to be added to the cream you put on your face, you could also add oats and yogurt within the mask. The vinegar has to be mixed with two parts of water prior to application using a cotton. Keep in mind that vinegar is a strong substance and you will find people allergic to it.
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